"eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat."
these two sentences are excerpts from Coach Glassman's first paragraph of the 'World Class Fitness in 100 Words'. it defines the CrossFit nutrition guideline for optimum performance which supports the goals and mission of our definition of fitness.
the first sentence of the first paragraph outlines quality. it tells us what to eat and what not to eat. the second sentence concentrates on restriction and quantity. what one must research is how much of that quality food you need to be consuming each meal. in a nutshell, it follows the dietary & lifestyle recommendations of the Paleolithic (Paleo) Diet as well as the caloric restriction, portion control and hormonal balance of the Zone Diet.
one is not better than the other, rather, done in sync with one another, it provides measurable/observable/repeatable data that is evidence based, performance enhancing and improves your health dramatically.
in CrossFit, there is no distinction between health & fitness. we view these two subjects as being one in the same. we measure them on the same continuum and have proven that every measurable marker within wellness & fitness can be tracked on this lifeline. on end of the spectrum lies Sickness, while the other end of the spectrum lies Fitness. Wellness is found in the middle.
it is our contention that improvements in any of these characteristics and in any markers of their data, correlate to improvements in overall health. therefore, health & fitness by our definition of it, are one in the same.
in order to gravitate from the sickness end of the spectrum to the wellness, and/or from wellness to fitness, a change of lifestyle and dietary habits is demanded and required. likewise, for one to get 'out of shape' and go backwards, one must go from being 'fit' to being 'well'. you don't just go from being an elite performing athlete to having full blown cancer and or coronary heart disease overnight. for this extreme, one must have a negative change in lifestyle and dietary habits. remember, health & fitness are one in the same.
CrossFit, being a core strength & conditioning program, coupled with the nutrition guidelines recommended by the Paleo & Zone diets, increase and dramatically improve one's position on this continuum. we prove this by measuring, observing and repeating data and results. our results are evidence based and is supported by science and medicinal data.
please research and study the following links found on this page. there is an abundance of information that can be found on the internet by doing a search on the following terms:
- hyperinsulinemia
- Syndrome X
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Deadly Quartet
for more information on changing your life and of your loved ones to live a longer, healthier and meaningful life, ask any of the coaching staff here at CFJAX. we are qualified to provide you the knowledge and we have the experience to share with you on your journey of everlasting health & fitness!